Probing For Beginners
Looking Up Into The Cosmos ~ like some sort of Post Abduction Hypnotherapy. ~ the Sky People encountered ~ The Evolution Of Space Snot ~ right where the sign said Welcome To Star Bass ~ They exclaimed Holy Moly Would You Look At That! ~ It looked like Lucy Lockett In The Sky With Diamond Stars ~ Not even Einstein's Assistant had seen this much ~ It was The Final Frontier ~ of Non-Euclidean Space ~ like a secret Area 51 in Desert Space ~ where they kept the ~ Long Cylindrical Object

In the shimmering expanse of the cosmos, where galaxies twirled like dancers in a cosmic ballet, two pilots soared through the void in their sleek, chrome-plated flying saucer.
Their ship, the Stardust Serenade, sliced through the cosmic winds like a blade through silk. It was a vessel of wonder and mystery, adorned with flashing lights and fashioned with sleek curves that mirrored the grace of its pilots.
They were on a mission to explore the uncharted reaches of the galaxy, seeking out adventure and thrills in equal conquer the universe one star at a time.....and then be back in time for tea and finish the remix album with DJ Betty Mitchell!