Once upon a time, in a distant corner of the galaxy, two intrepid flying saucer pilots, Ka-el and Zara, embarked on a mission of great importance. Earth, their beloved planet, faced an unprecedented crisis. Rampant deliberate habitat destruction by Corporate Earth Destroyers Inc, and State sponsored pollution, had pushed numerous species to the brink of extinction. As guardians of the cosmos, Ka-el and Zara felt a profound duty to intervene.
With their advanced technology and unwavering determination, Ka-el and Zara set out to save five species of animals on Earth, each having clung onto existence because they possessed the greatest of each of the 5 Senses in all the animal kingdom. Racing against time, they scoured the planet, locating and rescuing these precious creatures from their dwindling habitats.
The first species to be saved was the STAR NOSED MOLE, which has more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors in TOUCH organs on its nose with which the mole feels its way around. With the help of its Eimer's organs, they were perfectly poised to detect seismic wave vibrations. With gentle precision, Ka-el and Zara transported two of the moles to the safety of their flying saucer Ark, ensuring their survival.
In their race against time and destruction The Saucer Pilots turned their attention to saving two majestic EAGLES, emblematic of freedom and strength but also known to have some of the most acute VISION in the animal kingdom being able to see their prey up to 3 kilometers away and differentiate them by color. With a 340 degree field of vision they sweep down from the sky, the muscles in the eyes continuously adjust the curvature of the eyeballs to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception throughout the approach and attack
Next, they ventured deep into the icy waters of the Arctic to save two elusive BLUE WHALES. They had survived thus far because they could HEAR a frequency range of 7 to 35,000 Hz allowing them to communicate over long distances and which made the 20 to 20,000 Hz pro headphones Ka-el and Zara wore on the saucer, The Stardust Serenade, seem like ear mufflers in comparison. Using their Shrinkulator Mk II ray gun, the two pilots transported the whales into a transparent aluminum tank aboard the saucer and placed it on a shelf behind the bar in the Barbarella Cocktail Lounge aboard the ship.
They journeyed to the heart of Africa to save the gentle giants of the Savannah, the majestic African ELEPHANTS the undisputed olfactory champion. With 1,948 receptor genes, their dexterous trunk, an extraordinary nose, also functions like a hand, so they continually explore the world through SMELL. With steadfast resolve, Zara and Ka-el set their Shrinkulater Mk II to maximum power and airlifted two miniaturized elephants to safety, away from the dangers that plagued their homeland.
Ka-el and Zara often joked in the Barbarella Cocktail Lounge aboard the Stardust Serenade playing blindfold bar games like 'Guess The Taste Of The Cosmos' but they would have stood no chance against the final two animals saved from extinction. They ventured deep into the Bayou of what was once the United States of America and now a deserted dystopian landscape practically devoid of life and caught two CATFISH. They had taste receptors scattered all over their bodies with more concentrated on their chins or the whiskers around their mouth allowing them to locate their prey in the muddy, murky waters in which they live. Compared to the 10,000 TASTE receptors Ka-el and Zara had, the catfish had as many as 175,000.
With the last of the Earth's endangered species safely aboard their flying saucer, Ka-el and Zara set a course for a new home: Earth 2, a pristine planet teeming with life and opportunity. Guided by hope and determination, they embarked on a new chapter, committed to ensuring the survival of these precious animals for generations to come. And thus, their courageous journey became a beacon of hope for the preservation of life in the vast expanse of the cosmos.
Liner Notes by: Sir David Battenborough

The Saucer Pilots are available for children's parties, bar mitzvahs, hen nights and royal coronations @
StellarSound Talent Agency.cosmos

03/05/24 > 05/05/24: Estadio de la Dos Lunas - Ceres Ciudad
07/05/24: Nasrid Palace, Alhambra, Granada (acoustic set)
09/05/24: TBA
10/05/24: Cartagena - Roman Theatre. With the Mort Garson Appreciation Orchestra.
11/05/24: Cartagena - Roman Theatre. With the Mort Garson Appreciation Orchestra.
12/05/24: Valencia - The Open Circle Club, with (guest appearance) The Very Things
14/05/24: The Moon - Zig Zag Wanderer Bar - Sea of Nectar + DJ Set by the Fabulous All-Night Bastard Ambient Persuasion Collective.

The Crouch End Recorder
"For an act that formed months ago, how do they have the time, let alone the space, to craft melodies through a medium and somehow, dare to improve on their first outing? Legend has it that Phil Spector didn't die and saved the last sinews of his being to produce this wall of organic, pulsating, ambience"

Mole Monthly
"It's about time someone set our favourite, quirky little fella to music... we're delighted, but we prefer the other tracks"

Vintage Typewriter Quarterly
"I generally hate running out of ink and replacing ribbons, but, I had to hammer out this missive nonetheless. Thanks to the Saucer Pilots (not only for saving some of the human race and selected animals) but for their non-pretentious fusion. That's all............ ding!"

Conservation News
"I know a thing or two about gorillas, hyenas and classical music but I have to say this modern music meddling might indeed be the key to preserving life on earth as we know it....before it's too late!"
Sir David Battenborough

- CosmoVision -
Galactic News
Special Report

report by Stella Stellertron
I'm here at the Buzz Aldrin Spaceport on the edge of Mars Colony #53. I can see various spacecraft taking off and landing. The sky is filled with stars and distant galaxies.
I'm hearing that in a galaxy far, far away, amidst the hustle and bustle of a cosmic metropolis, two daring pilots known as The Saucer Pilots are preparing for their most daring adventure yet.
I think we can go live and hear from our CosmoVision correspondent Stellar Stelletron.
"Yes, thank you studio. I'm here inside a dimly lit hangar, and can see the two pilots gathered around a sleek, silver saucer-shaped spacecraft. They are clad in futuristic flight suits, helmets under their arms, exchanging confident nods and words of encouragement. I can just about make out some of their words. "Alright! This is it! The moment we've all been waiting for! Our destination: the uncharted depths of the cosmos!"
I can see the pilots are climbing into their cockpit, the engines of the saucer humming to life. Luckily we have a special CosmoVison camera and microphone in the saucer. Captain Ka-el sits at the helm, a determined look on his face. "Engage thrusters! Let's show the universe what The Saucer Pilots are made of"
The saucer lifts off the ground, soaring into the vast expanse of space. The cityscape below grows smaller as they ascend higher and higher.
And so, with a mighty roar, The Saucer Pilots embark on their grand adventure, leaving behind the familiar sights and sounds of home for the mysteries that awaited them among the stars.
The saucer streaks through the cosmos, passing by colorful nebulae and distant planets. The crew inside appears exhilarated, their faces illuminated by the glow of the control panels.
For a moment the signal strength glitches and disappears then the feed is live once again...
This is Stella Stelletron....we're back. Sorry about the loss of signal for a moment. We can still see and hear what is happening in the Stardust Serenade saucer.....
"This is incredible! I've never seen anything like it!"
Hold on a minute folks! What's happening?....
Suddenly, the saucer is enveloped by a blinding flash of light, sending it spiraling out of control. The crew members shout in alarm as alarms blare throughout the cockpit.
Captain Ka-el shouts "Brace yourself Zara ! We're caught in some sort of cosmic anomaly!"
The saucer disappears into the blinding light, leaving behind nothing but empty space.
The stars twinkle in the distance, silent witnesses to the mysterious disappearance of The Saucer Pilots.
Well folks, this is Stella Stelletron reporting, "And then, just like that, they were gone. The Saucer Pilots, once heroes of the cosmos, have vanished without a trace, leaving behind only whispers of their legendary exploits, a final musical coda and the eternal question: what became of them? SENSES will be their last venture into the universe of musical delights!"
Back at the spaceport, a crowd gathers, staring up at the empty sky where The Saucer Pilots were last seen. Among them, a young boy looks up with wonder in his eyes, dreaming of the day he too might soar among the stars.
"Someday, I'll be a Saucer Pilot too," he thinks to himself. "I'll uncover the mysteries of the universe...and I'll finally find out what really happened to The Saucer Pilots..."